稽查员 is a global 物流 company headquartered in Seattle, 华盛顿. 公司在101个国家的346个地点拥有训练有素的专业人员, 通过综合信息管理系统连接成一个无缝的全球网络.
服务 include the consolidation or forwarding of air and ocean freight, 海关经纪, 供应商整合, 货物保险, time-definite transportation services, 订单管理, warehousing and distribution, and customized 物流 solutions.
稽查员 International of 华盛顿, Inc. registers as a single office ocean forwarder in Seattle. John Kaiser (a former Harper Group executive) is at the helm.
创始人彼得·罗斯, 詹姆斯•王, 凯文·沃尔什, 汉克黄, 乔治·何, 罗伯特Chiarito, 和格伦·阿尔杰(Glenn Alger)加入该公司,专注于该十大正规买球平台的新业务:提供门到门运输和海关经纪服务的一站式服务. 在旧金山、芝加哥、香港、台北和新加坡设立了办事处. 稽查员 quickly becomes one of the largest U.S.-based forwarders of air freight from the Far East.
12 locations | 161 employees
稽查员 goes public and stock is traded on NASDAQ (经验值D). 作为上市公司的第一年,稽查员报告的总收入超过5000万美元,总收入为2亿美元.1 million in net earnings.
公司 expands the ocean business with the acquisition of Pac Bridge, a major non-vessel operating common carrier (远洋运输中介中的无船承运人得).
Peter J. Rose, one of the founders, assumes the title of President and CEO.
32 locations | 900 employees
Selective global expansion continues with the opening of a Brussels office, the first company office in continental Europe. New slogan is introduced to reinforce our commitment to customer service: You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you.
Our net earnings top $10 million ($10,196,000). 我们正式制定了一个名为EXCEL (稽查员承诺卓越和领导)的内部质量计划。, built on a goal of 100% customer satisfaction 100% of the time.
在北京授予稽查员罕见的a类许可证后,公司扩展到中国. 稽查员’ Cargo Management 系统 (e.Cms)是一个具有自动化电子数据接口的海洋整合程序.
96个位置 | 2,400 employees
稽查员 launches a Cargo 保险 (ECIB) division. 公司 surpasses $500 million in gross revenues. 随着中美洲和南美洲市场的增加,全球扩张继续进行. 首席执行官彼得•罗斯宣称:“我们的业务完全建立在服务和了解客户的基础上."
稽查员任命了一位质量总监,并正式确立了其对ISO9001认证的全球追求. 共有27个办事处通过ISO9001认证,另有5个办事处在亚洲和欧洲获得认证. The number of employees tops 3000. Offices are opened in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 在北京持有的“A”类许可证扩展到另外四个主要的中国交易点, bringing our total offices in China to eight. While its employees are recognized as the best trained in the industry, 稽查员将对员工的最低年度培训要求从每年30小时提高到52小时, in recognition of the increasingly sophisticated needs of its customers.
149 locations | 5,215 employees
Gross revenues top a record $1 billion. New global headquarters opens in downtown Seattle, 华盛顿.
163 locations | 6,480 employees
稽查员庆祝其成立20周年,继续保持我们作为全方位服务的全球物流提供商的声誉. The number of employees grows to over 6400. 稽查员’ services include 空气 and 海洋 Freight Forwarding, 供应商整合, 远洋运输中介中的无船承运人得, 通关, 海上保险, 分布, and other value-added global 物流 services. 我们的客户对我们的认可(思科系统和英国航空餐饮公司将我们评为年度供应商)证明了我们在员工方面的实力和成为十大正规买球平台中最好的全方位服务全球物流供应商的明确使命。.
195 locations | 8,000 employees
稽查员将其在未来国际贸易中的作用视为首选的全球物流解决方案公司. 公司将继续通过快速响应的方式来满足客户的需求, highly-trained workforce, integrated information systems, 一个全球性的网络. 稽查员 is named to the NASDAQ 100. A number of milestones are reached with more than $2 billion in gross
在我们成立25周年之际,我们取得了许多里程碑式的成就:总收入突破了创纪录的30亿美元,317,499,000); net earnings reach $156,126,000; and employee count surpasses 9,000.
226个位置 | 10,600 employees
Forbes notes 稽查员 as the Best Managed 运输 公司. 《十大正规买球平台》将稽查员列为快递服务公司股东记分卡上的第一名, beating UPS and FedEx.
稽查员 enters Fortune 500 list for the first time with $4.60亿的收入. 《十大正规买球平台》杂志还将稽查员评为十大正规买球平台内最受尊敬的公司.
Over 250 locations | 12,010 employees
我们仍然站着. The global economic climate of the past year has affected many, 然而,我们始终如一地致力于客户服务和金融稳定. We protected our biggest assets - our people - with no layoffs. This year we opened our Disaster Recovery Center in Spokane, 华盛顿, where all global backup IT requirements are facilitated. 2009 was also a big year for our 环境al Teams worldwide as they work on green initiatives across the 公司; a sustainable, green office was built in Frankfurt for our German Regional Headquarters.
Considered our best year ever, 2010 started off well and ended terrific. The main reason for such a successful year is predicated on one large factor....我们的不裁员政策. Protecting our greatest assets proved invaluable, 因为正是这些人日复一日地为客户提供世界一流的服务. Without them, our success would not be possible. 我们继续创造工具和加强我们的系统,以改善内部流程和满足客户的需求.
首席执行官的接力棒传给了Jeff Musser,他在稽查员工作了30年,成为我们的新任首席执行官. We look forward to celebrating our 35th Anniversary in 2014. 我们已经从6个办事处和20名员工发展到超过250个地点和近14,000名员工. 2013年,我们在公司办公室设立了客户解决方案中心,这使我们有机会向客户展示我们的信息十大正规买球平台能力, 航空公司, 和投资者. 我们的IT能力帮助我们保持在那些可以从中受益最多的人的前列.
公司最后一位创始人詹姆斯•王宣布退休. 稽查员揭示了其新调整的地理结构和公司战略. 2015年第一季度是该公司历史上盈利最多的季度.
Over 300 locations | 15,400 employees
A year of strong innovation, 2017年伊始,我们任命了一名首席战略官,建立并监督一个由经验丰富的个人组成的战略小组,以探索新的机会领域. Later the company announced the launch of a new subsidiary, 货物的信号, 通过专有十大正规买球平台支持的数字服务,供应链控制和可见性将达到新的水平, 基于传感器的物流系统和24x7x365全球指挥中心,由经验丰富的风险管理专业人员组成, 物流, and supply chain security.
Continuing the innovation streak, in collaboration with our customer Walmart, 稽查员宣布推出一种新的尖端运营商分配平台,以提供先进水平的预测和计划,以彻底改变供应链和运输效率.
346 locations | 18,000 employees
During unprecedented market conditions, 随着我们的收入首次超过100亿美元,稽查员仍然保持着适应性和弹性. 我们任命了一位数字解决方案高级副总裁,以加速我们在软件即服务十大正规买球平台方面的投资. 货物的信号 and Tradeflow are examples of this exciting portfolio.